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Version: 1.10.0

Single Sign On

Homarr supports multiple authentication options, from internal userbase (credentials), to LDAP (with Active directory support), and OIDC.

Auth configuration common variables​

Environment VariableDescriptionDefault Value
AUTH_PROVIDERSSelect Which provider to use between credentials, ldap and oidc.
Multiple providers can be enabled with by separating them with ,, (ex. AUTH_PROVIDERS=credentials,oidc, it is highly recommended to just enable one provider).
AUTH_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URLURL to redirect to after clicking logging out.---
AUTH_SESSION_EXPIRY_TIMETime for the session to time out. Can be set as pure number, which will automatically be used in seconds, or followed by s, m, h or d for seconds, minutes, hours or days. (ex: "30m")"30d"

This is the default provider.

First user is created using the onboarding process and the rest can be created by this user (see user management)