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Version: 1.11.0


Using the Homarr API, you can interface with the application with your own code and business logic. It enables you to trigger almost all actions that you can perform from the Homarr UI. With the API, you can build resilient systems that automatically update Homarr with data - for example syncing it with your deployments in a cluster or dynamically adding integrations depending on how many replicas you run.

This page is language-neutral, and you must implement the API on your own in your desired language. It requires you to know your programming language well and have a basic understanding of HTTP, JSON and networking. You can test out API endpoints using any OpenAPI client - for example Postman, Insomnia or Hoppscotch.

Opening the API specification​

The specification is implemented according to the OpenAPI standard. To access the documentation, you'll need to spin up an instance of Homarr. Navigate to Management > Tools > API. You can copy the JSON url into your OpenAPI client or try out the endpoints directly from your browser.


Many endpoints will require you to authenticate. At the top of the Swagger documentation, you'll find a button to authenticate yourself with a API key. You can obtain API keys from the "Authentication" tab at the top of the page. API keys will not expire and can be used indefinitely.



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