🗃️ Developer guides
2 items
🗃️ Command line interface
2 items
📄️ Environment variables
Homarr offers a Docker Container, which can be run on any compatible system, such as Unraid, Kubernetes and many more systems! Our Docker container is based on the `22.12.0-alpine image and serves per standard on the port 7575`.
📄️ Icons
Icon picker
📄️ Keyboard Shortcuts
Homarr has the following keyboard shortcuts:
📄️ Proxies and Certificates
Allowing self-signed certificates
📄️ Running as a different user
By default the container is running with user root and group root.
📄️ Single Sign On
Homarr supports multiple authentication options, from internal userbase (credentials), to LDAP (with Active directory support), and OIDC.