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The download widget uses Integrations to display a list of torrents or Usenet articles with their name, download/upload speed and progress.

Adding the widget​

Please check out our documentation on how to add a widget.


You can control the downloads directly from the widget. For example, you can pause or delete a download:

If you delete a job you will be asked for confirmation:

At the bottom of the widget, you can also see the download speed over all your download clients:


ConfigurationDescriptionValuesDefault Value
Columns to showDefines what columns should be shown
  • Integration
  • Job name
  • Progress
  • Finish time
  • Controls
  • Integration
  • Job name
  • Progress
  • Finish time
  • Controls
Enable items sortingEnables the sorting in the tableyes / nono
Show usenet entries marked as completedAlso show completed usenet downloadsyes / noyes
Categories / labels to filterFilter the categories and labelslistempty list
Filter as a whitelistInvert the above filteryes / nono

Check out our documentation on editing tiles.