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Getting started

Setting up your development environment​

This guide will help you set up your development environment to start contributing to homarr.


Setting up the project​

  1. Fork the repository by clicking on the "Fork" button on the top right corner of the repository page.

Fork button

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine with git clone. You can find the url to use by clicking on the "Code" button on the top right corner of your forks repository page.

Clone button

  1. Change directory to the project folder with cd homarr.

  2. Install the dependencies with pnpm install.

  3. Start redis by running pnpm run docker:dev. This will run a docker-compose file with a redis service.

  4. Copy the .env.example file to .env and replace DB_URL with the full path you want to use for the sqlite database file. For example DB_URL='C:\\Dev\\homarr\\packages\\db\\db.sqlite'

  5. Run the migrations to create the sqlite db file with pnpm run db:migration:sqlite:run.

  6. Start the development server with pnpm dev and wait for a message that says ✓ Ready in 10.7s

  7. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000. (Loading the page might take up to 2 minutes the first time)

Useful npm scripts​

During development​

  • pnpm dev: Start the development server.
  • pnpm cli: Run cli commands.
  • pnpm db:migration:sqlite:run: Run the migrations to create or update the sqlite db file.
  • pnpm db:migration:sqlite:generate: Generate a new migration file for the sqlite db. Also works with mysql.
  • pnpm db:studio: Open a visual studio for the database.
  • pnpm package:new: Create a new package in the monorepo.

Checking code quality​

  • pnpm lint: Run the linter to check for code quality issues.
  • pnpm format:fix: Run the formatter to fix code style issues.
  • pnpm test: Run the tests. You can also use pnpm test:ui to get a UI for the tests.
  • pnpm typecheck: Run the typescript type checker.

Building the project​

  • pnpm build: Build the project for production.
  • docker build -t homarr .: Build a docker image for the project.
  • docker run -p 7575:7575 -e SECRET_ENCRYPTION_KEY='your_64_character_hex_string' homarr:latest: Run the created docker image.