Apps are the building blocks of your Homarr board. Most of the time they are a simple link to a website, but used on your board they also support a simple ping to check if your service is up. Apps are used in the bookmark and app widget.
Create an app​
To create an app you can click on the button on the top right of the apps management page:
Next, you'll need to fill out the required fields to configure the app:
The name must be at least one character long and can be chosen freely.
Icon URL​
This is the URL to the icon that will be displayed on the app widget. It can be a url to an image in the internet, one from the included icon repositories or a local file uploaded through the upload button.
An optional description that can be shown as tooltip on the app widget.
The URL to the website you want to link to. Clicking on the app widget or bookmark will open this URL.
Ping URL​
When you want to use another url for the simple status check you can set it here. This will allow you to set a different URL for the ping than the URL that is opened when clicking on the app widget. It's useful when you want to ping the service internally for example with a custom ip but open the website externally.
List of apps​
On the apps management page you find all apps that exist in your Homarr instance. You can edit and delete them.