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The Bookmarks widget enables you, to add a list of web pages or URLs to your dashboard - similar like bookmarks in Browsers.

Adding the widget​

Please check out our documentation on how to add a widget.


ConfigurationDescriptionValuesDefault Value
Widget titleTitle of the widget. Will appear at the top of the widget. Can be left empty to not have any title.StringEmpty
ItemsList of bookmarks-Empty List
LayoutChanges the layout of the bookmarks
  • Auto-Grid
  • Horizontal
  • Vertical

Configuration per item​

ConfigurationDescriptionValuesDefault Value
NameName of your bookmark.StringHomarr Documentation
URLLink to your bookmark.URL/String
App IconURL or Link to the icon to represent your bookmark.URL/String/imgs/logo/logo.png
Open in new tabIf switched, the link will open in a new tab, otherwise it will redirect on the current tabyes / nono
Hide HostnameHide the link under the the title/name.yes / nono
Hide IconHide the icon of the bookmark (Helps Using less space).yes / nono

Check out our documentation on editing tiles.


Auto Grid​

The Auto Grid mode will automatically scale the items. Items will have a min width of 150px, but can scale bigger if they need more space. If there is no space available, they will wrap.

Vertical (default)​

Vertical mode will put items in a vertical list. Overflowing items will create a scroll bar.


Horizontal mode will put items in a horizontal list. Overflowing items will create a scroll bar.