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Version: 1.12.0

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I install Homarr on a Raspberry Pi?​

Yes, Homarr is compatible with the architecture of the Raspberry Pi. Have a look in our installation guide on how to do so.

I have a suggestion / idea for improvement or want to report a bug​

You can report issues, suggestions, or ideas for improvements here.

Can I use my own custom icons for apps?​

Yes, check out our guide on how to add your custom icons.

Some of my online icons are not working (anymore)​

It seems the database of icon sometimes appear in the lists for DNS-Holes (PiHole, AdGuard Home...).
So make sure to manually whitelist this address.

Can I add my own widgets? Do I need programming skills?​

We have decided, not to support custom widgets, until Homarr is in a stable and highly polished state. Enabling users to write their own widgets is easy at the first glance, but there are some major issues with it:

  • There are mainly two options for adding plugins or custom widgets to Homarr. The first option is, to allow and inject custom code in Homarr. Apps like Nextcloud can do this easily, because they use the Runtime to render all components of the application (In reality, the process is still a bit more complicated). In contrast, Homarr is using Next.js - a framework that needs to be compiled in production. That means, that each time you would modify a custom widget or plugin, the app would have to be restarted. There are options to avoid this, but they are quite flakey and bring disadvantages in our experience. The second option is, to write widgets declaratively instead of imperatively. This way, we would be able to render and modify widgets without any restarting at all. However, we'd have to write our own interpreter for said declarative schema. This is totally possible, but requires a lot of planning and architecture design to function properly. The required work to implement either option is therefore quite substantial.
  • Custom widgets would need to be able to request data, so they work properly. We use tRPC for this. Many APIs use different formats and we'd have to convert and read those.
  • Using custom widgets, one could easily create harmful widgets, leak your personal data (potentially including your tokens) and trick your users. A proper implementation (eg. official plugin store, where we can ban harmful widgets from) would resolve this problem to a certain extend, but again requires additional work and time to be put in.

If you still want to add a widget, please consider to contribute it directly to Homarr. For that, basic programming skills are required. Our Developer Guides explain this even more detailed.

Is it secure to expose Homarr to the web?​

Yes, since v0.14.0, we are confident that Homarr is secure enough to be exposed to the web. Make sure to enable the "allow anonymous access" option in the settings, if you want to allow people without an account to be able to see your dashboard (not edit)

How do I open the console / log?​

There are two different sources of information:

  • console: This is your client (browser). It can tell us, if there is an issue on the client (crash, bug, ...).
  • log: This is your server. It will tell us, if there are issues with connections for the integrations, crashes and errors.

Both variants can contain personal data. It's recommended, that you don't post them publicly or remove personal data from it.

Note: This will not work on most mobile browsers.

Open your browser and ensure, that Homarr is your current tab. Press CTRL + SHIFT + I on your keyboard. If this shortcut doesn't work, please use one of the alternatives: Click on Console in the new window, that opened. There, you should see white, orange and sometimes red messages. You can use the Windows Snip & Sketch tool (or your respective tool on Linux / MacOS) to screenshot those messages.

Please never execute any commands in the console. Scammers are using the console to let you execute harmful commands. If you want to resolve an issue in Homarr, you'll never have to execute any commands here

How do I post logs?​

Please check the section above, on how to obtain logs. Logs should always be posted to or

Can I use Homarr at my company?​

Yes, you can! But please consider a donation, if our work has been useful to you.

I think I found a bug. What can I do?​

If you think, that you found a bug, please create an issue here.

Why can't I use my custom icons?​

You need to restart the Homarr Docker container after adding icons.

Why can't homarr see/ping containers running locally behind GluetunVPN?​

This is because GluetunVPN, and many other docker VPN services, secure their VPN connections with strict firewalls. These firewalls often block access to local containers, even on the same docker network. The workaround for GluetunVPN is to add "- FIREWALL_OUTBOUND_SUBNETS=" into the environmental variables of the docker compose file. If you are using a firewall on your system, you will need to add a rule that allows requests from ip's in the range of . If you are using UFW the command would be "sudo ufw allow from". Tip: If you are running your torrent client behind a VPN, and running Sonarr (or something similar) normally, make sure to open your torrent client's port in your firewall. If you don't, Sonarr will not be able to see it. Furthermore, use your machines IP (192.168.x.x) rather then or localhost.

Can I get in touch with you?​

Yes, go here to get with us in touch.


Haven't found the solution to your problem / question? We are eager to help you on our Discord or in a GitHub Issue.