📄️ Bookmarks
The Bookmarks widget enables you, to add a list of web pages or URLs to your dashboard - similar like bookmarks in Browsers.
📄️ Calendar
The calendar Widget will use Integrations to display upcoming content.
📄️ Clock
The Clock widget will display the current time and date. The widget will use your current system time.
📄️ DNS Hole
If you're running a PiHole or AdGuard Home instance, you might want to display statistics on your dashboard or control them.
📄️ Downloads
The download widget uses Integrations to display a list of torrents or Usenet articles with their name, download/upload speed and progress.
📄️ System Health Monitor
The system health monitor widget enables you to integrate with OpenMediaVault and Proxmox. Using the widget, you can view performance and resource data for your systems.
📄️ Home Assistant
The entity state (aka. Home Assistant) enables you to display the current state of an entity from Home Assistant.
📄️ IFrame
If you application is not supported natively by Homarr, you can integrate it using the iframe widget.
📄️ Indexer Manager
The Indexer Manager widget uses Integrations to display Indexers status with their name.
📄️ Media Requests
The media requests widget enables you to integrate with Overseerr and Jellyseerr.
📄️ Media Server
The media server widget enables you to watch and view current active sessions over all your media servers.
📄️ Minecraft Server Status
The Minecraft server status widget allows you to monitor the status of your Minecraft server.
📄️ Notebook
The notebook widget focuses on usability and is designed to be as simple as possible to bring a familiar editing experience to regular users. It is based on Tiptap.dev and supports most of its features.
📄️ RSS
Using the RSS standard, you can integrate most News websites, applications and more
📄️ Stocks
Using the Stocks widget, you can show the current stock prices of your favorite companies on your dashboard.
📄️ Video & Stream
Do you run surveilance cameras? Or maybe you have a favourite video?
📄️ Weather
The Weather Widget uses your location to display the current, highest and lowest temperature. The Widget uses open-meteo.com to retrieve weather data.