📄️ API
Using the Homarr API, you can interface with the application with your own code and business logic.
📄️ Apps
Apps are the building blocks of your Homarr board.
📄️ Boards
Each dashboard is called a "board".
📄️ Certificates
On this page you can manage your trusted certificates.
📄️ Integrations
Integrations are connections to supported third party applications.
📄️ Media
Using the media feature, you can upload images for custom icons to Homarr.
📄️ Search Engines
Using the search engines, terms can be quickly searched simply by opening the search bar at the top.
📄️ Settings
The settings page has a few options that will be applied to the entire Homarr application.
📄️ Users
Each person accessing Homarr is a user. Using the users management you can configure who has access to certain resources.