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Homarr supports various different integrations that allow monitoring of your hardware directly from your dashboard.


The Dash. integration can be used to monitor the performance and used system resources of your machine. Used by the following widget:


The OpenMediaVault integration allows you to view performance and resource data from your OpenMediaVault system. It is used by the following widgets:

  • System Health Monitoring
    • To use this widget, you must have the OpenMediaVault plugin openmediavault-cputemp installed.

Available configuration options

UsernamePublicUsername from the WebUI used for authentication
PasswordPrivatePassword from the WebUI used for authentication


The Proxmox integration allows you to view performance and resource data from your Proxmox cluster/system. It is used by the following widgets:

Available configuration options

UsernamePublicUsername used for authentication
TokenIdPublicToken ID used for authentication
ApiKeyPrivateAPI Key used for authentication
RealmPublicRealm used for authentication

Getting an API token to use the Proxmox integration is a bit more complicated than most services. Please use the below steps when creating your API token.


The Proxmox API may not work with Linux PAM standard authentication. It is strongly recommended to use the Proxmox VE authentication server realm when creating your API user.

  1. Navigate to the Proxmox portal, click on Datacenter
  2. Expand Permissions, click on Groups
  3. Click the Create button
  4. Name the group something informative, like api-users
  5. Click on the Permissions "folder"
  6. Click Add -> Group Permission
    • Path: /
    • Group: group from Step 4 above
    • Role: PVEAuditor
    • Propagate: Checked
  7. Expand Permissions, click on Users
  8. Click the Add button
    • User name: something informative like api
    • Realm: Proxmox VE authentication server
    • Password: create a secure password for the user
    • Confirm Password: re-enter the password
    • Group: group from Step 4 above
  9. Expand Permissions, click on API Tokens
  10. Click the Add button
    • User: user from Step 8 above
    • Token ID: something informative like the application or purpose like homarr
    • Privilege Separation: unchecked
  11. Copy the Secret that is shown in Step 10 because it is only shown once
  12. Go back to the "Permissions" menu
  13. Click Add -> API Token Permission
    • Path: /
    • API Token: select the API token created in Step 10
    • Role: PVE Auditor
    • Propagate: Checked