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Version: 1.12.0

System Health Monitor

The system health monitor widget enables you to integrate with OpenMediaVault and Proxmox. Using the widget, you can view performance and resource data for your systems.

Adding the widget​

Please check out our documentation on how to add a widget.


ConfigurationDescriptionValuesDefault Value
CPU Temp in FahrenheitDisplay the CPU temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsiusyes / nono
Show CPU InfoDiplays CPU info in the system tabyes / noyes
Show Memory InfoDiplays memory info in the system tabyes / noyes
Show Filesystem InfoDiplays filesystem info in the system tabyes / noyes
Tabs open by defaultSelects tab open by default. Only used when multiple integrations are available.
  • System
  • Cluster
Filter by node nameFilters the displayed cluster data to show only a specific nodenode namenone
Section open by defaultOpens a specific section on the Cluster display by default
  • None
  • Nodes
  • VMs
  • LXCs
  • Storage
Show summary sectionShows summary section on the Cluster displayyes / noyes
Show nodes sectionShows nodes section on the Cluster displayyes / noyes
Show VMs sectionShows VMs section on the Cluster displayyes / noyes
Show LXCs sectionShows LXCs section on the Cluster displayyes / noyes
Show storage sectionShows storage section on the Cluster displayyes / noyes
Requirement for section status indicator to be 'OK''All' requires that all items be online for the indicator to be green. 'Any' requires at least one item to be online.
  • System
  • Cluster
Ignore Certificate ErrorsIgnore HTTPS certificate errors when acecssing the cluster APIyes / noyes
