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🐳 Environment variables

Homarr offers a Docker Container, which can be run on any compatible system, such as Unraid, Kubernetes and many more systems! Our Docker container is based on the node:16-alpine image and serves per standard on the port 7575.

Homarr offers a few environment variables, which can be used to configure the container.

Environment VariableSection
PORTWeb server settings
DOCKER_HOSTDocker Integration
DOCKER_PORTDocker Integration
DISABLE_ANALYTICSAnonymous analytics

Colors and preferences

Environment keyPossible valuesDefault
DEFAULT_COLOR_SCHEMEdark / lightlight

You can change the default color theme for all users using this environment variable. However, this will be overwritten on a per-user basis if they selected another theme in the application. This is mostly useful for new users.

Web server settings

Environment keyPossible valuesDefault
PORTany valid networking Port7575

By default, Homarr will run on port 7575. However, you might want to change this for advanced setups or if you're running in host network mode.

Docker Integration

Environment keyPossible valuesDefault
DOCKER_HOSTunix:///var/run/docker.sock or tcp://<ip>:<port>-
DOCKER_PORTany valid networking Port-

If the Docker instance you want to connect to is not on the same machine, then you can use unix: or tcp: protocols instead. This will enable you to control a completly different machine over your network.

Timezone Settings

Environment keyPossible valuesDefault
TZAny TZ identifier from hereyour local time zone

Some users might experience wrong dates/times in their Calendar. This is because the Calendar is using the server-side time. Although you should always set your host machine to your local time zone, you should specify the timezone for Homarr to ensure that the timezone is always set correctly.


Unsure what your timezone is? You can find yours on this Wikipedia page. Simply copy the value of the column "TZ database name".

Please note that this should work on nearly all systems. Check out these two amazing articles by howtogeek on timezones in containers:

Anonymous Analytics

Environment keyPossible valuesDefault
DISABLE_ANALYTICStrue / falsefalse

By default we collect anonymous analytics when you visit or your personal Homarr instance. As a fully open source project we value privacy as much as you do. For that reason we aren't using Google Analytics and use Umami Analytics instead. We use this data to evaluate and prioritize new features or improvements to Homarr. All of your data is anonymized before it is sent to the server. You can disable this data reporting by setting the environment variable DISABLE_ANALYTICS to true.

Alternatively, you can block any outgoing requests to on your firewall. We will never sell this data or track your specific user activity.


Homarr supports multiple authentication providers. For a more detailed walkthrough, it is recommended that you read on how to set up SSO in Homarr.

Environment VariableDescriptionDefault value
AUTH_PROVIDERSpecifies which providers you want to usecredentials
AUTH_LDAP_URIURI of your LDAP server---
AUTH_LDAP_BASEBase dn of your LDAP server---
AUTH_LDAP_BIND_DNUser used for finding users and groups---
AUTH_LDAP_BIND_PASSWORDPassword for bind user---
AUTH_LDAP_USERNAME_ATTRIBUTEAttribute used for usernameuid
AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_CLASSClass used for querying groupsgroupOfUniqueNames
AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_MEMBER_ATTRIBUTEAttribute used for querying group membermember
AUTH_LDAP_GROUP_MEMBER_USER_ATTRIBUTEUser attribute used for comparing with group memberdn
AUTH_OIDC_URIURI of OIDC provider---
AUTH_OIDC_CLIENT_IDID of OIDC client (application)---
AUTH_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRETSecret of OIDC client (application)---
AUTH_OIDC_CLIENT_NAMEDisplay name of provider (in login screen)OIDC
AUTH_OIDC_TIMEOUTTimeout in milliseconds3500