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🧿 DNS Hole

If you're running a PiHole or AdGuard Home instance, you might want to display statistics on your dashboard or control them. This widget enables you to integrate crucial data on your dashboard and control your instances directly from Homarr.

Adding the widget

Please check out our documentation on how to add a widget.

There must be at least one app on your dashboard, that has it's integration set to PiHole or AdGuard Home.

For PiHole, you must retrieve the API token via WebUI:

  1. Log in to your PiHole admin dashboard. If you use the default hostname, you can use this direct link: http://pi.hole/admin
  2. Go to the settings
  3. Click on the "API / Web interface" tab
  4. Click the button "Show API token"
  5. Confirm that you want to show your API token on screen
  6. Copy the raw API token and paste it in your PiHole app in Homarr under the intgeration tab

For Adguard, you can use the username and password, that you use to log in.

Toggle controls

There is 2 ways to control you DNS holes from homarr. Both are about disabling or enabling them.
The main buttons at the top will toggle all the dns holes instances listed below, which is useful when you have more than 1 instance of dns-hole.

If you want to toggle only one, you can toggle it by clicking the badge on it.


DNS Hole Summary widget

ConfigurationDescriptionValuesDefault Value
Use colors from PiHoleColor the tiles using the background color, that is used by default in PiHole.yes / noyes
LayoutChoose the layout in which the informations are displayed.
  • 2 by 2
  • Horizontal
  • Vertical
2 by 2

DNS Hole Controls widget

ConfigurationDescriptionValuesDefault Value
Show 'Enable/Disable All' ButtonsShow or not the 2 buttons that may be redundant when having only one DNS-hole.yes / noyes


Check out our documentation on editing tiles.




PiHole colors




'Toggle All' buttons hidden