The Weather Widget uses your location to display the current, highest and lowest temperature. The Widget uses to retrieve weather data.
Adding the widget​
Please check out our documentation on how to add a widget.
Configuration | Description | Values | Default Value |
Temperature in Fahrenheit | Displays the temperature in °F. | yes / no | no |
Disable temperature decimals | Disables the decimals in the temperature. | yes / no | no |
Show current wind speed | Show the current wind speed. Only on the curren weather widget. | yes / no | no |
Weather Location | Location selector, choose the city and it will automatically get you the coordinates. | City name | Paris |
Date format | How the date should look like |
| Monday, December 16 |
Show city | Show the city name on the widget. | yes / no | no |
Show forecast | Show the weather forecast for the selected location. | yes / no | no |
Check out our documentation on editing tiles.